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July 2020

Interviews with like-minded creatives and progressive thinkers who, like Toogood, refuse to be labelled.

We begin our interview series with artist Malgorzata Bany. She is currently in the process of renovating her new London flat and is photographed here, wearing pieces from the new Toogood Summer Capsule.

Where is home for you and what makes it home?  
Since I bought my new flat in December, it almost immediately disconnected me with the space we live in at the at the moment. Funnily enough, all my thoughts and sense of belonging shifted to this stripped back empty space. In broader sense, London and Warsaw are my home; I am very attached to both of these cities.

What do you create or make?
I make sculptures and objects of use.

What’s currently on your kitchen table?
Tiles, stone and paint samples, my new bathroom concrete basin, an AOIRO charcoal cube diffuser soaked in Hakudo Rain essence (I’m absolutely addicted), a glass of orange wine and some almonds.

What would improve your life?
Currently, I feel it has to be seeing my family and friends more often. Secondary would be a larger studio, for which I can’t wait. Last but not least, being more assertive when it comes to holiday time – it’s so difficult to prioritise it when one works for yourself.

What book is on your bedside table?
Tadao Ando: The Colours of Light by Richard Pare and The Japanese House: Architecture and Life After 1945 by MAXXI and The Barbican Centre. They are two books I borrowed from my friend and I can’t seem to be able to return them!

What is the most worn item of clothing in your wardrobe?
Whatever it is, it’s most definitely off-white or black. All my white and off-white shirts, my black Toogood Photographer Jacket, my favourite organza dress and a jumper my mum knitted. However, ultimately my studio clothes are worn most often.

How do you learn?
I suppose a mixture of observation and experience, but one thing’s for sure - I am often too impatient to read manuals! I love learning from people who share knowledge and passion. It’s completely outside my field, but I would love to learn to make shoes or perfume with someone who could guide me. Certain professions lend themselves so well to this master and apprentice relationship.

What object do you value most and why?
I value objects that are given to me. It’s all about sentiment and the people I connect those objects with.

Where is your favourite view?
At the moment I take incredible pleasure from looking at the light shifting across the bedroom walls in my new flat. It has such a wonderful aspect which I can’t get enough of after four years in a north-facing space. Going slightly further afield, I miss looking over Florence very much and beyond that, I love rocky, sandy and mountainous landscapes.

What is freedom to you?
Freedom to set your own boundaries and edit them.


Malgorzata Bany graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw before moving to England, where she completed her BA studies at University College Falmouth followed by an MFA at the Slade School of Fine Art in London.

She exhibited at The Trade Show presented by Faye Toogood for London Design Festival 2017 and held a solo show at the House of Toogood in 2018.

She is currently exhibiting at Realising Form at Make Hauser & Wirth, Somerset until 28th August and works can also be seen at The New Art Centre, Roche Court, Wiltshire, Garde, LA, ARCH THE, Seoul and The New Craftsmen, London.